Op deze pagina ziet u diverse waterdiorama's met (voor de meeste) Duitse U-boote. Vooral de schaal 1:144 is een mooie schaal voor deze boten. De boten (meestal Revell) zijn goed gedetailleerd en kunnen gemakkelijk in een diorama worden geplaatst.

On this page you see several water dioramas with  (for most) German U-boote.

Especially Scale 1:144 is a great scale for these boats. The boats (mostly Revell) are well detailed and can be put easily in a diorama.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tegenliggers!/ Traffic jam!

U boat VII     Revell

Vehicles        Dragon, Academy, Revell

Figures         Preiser

The story of  the VII: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_VII_submarine


De stier van Scapa flow/ The bull of Scapa Flow

U boats VII    Revell

Vehicles         Dragon 1:144 and Herpa 1:160

Figures          Formost Herpa, Preiser 1:144/160


Te laat opgedoken/ Surfaced too late

U boat XXI       Revell

U boat XXIII     Trumpeter

Vehicles           Herpa/ Wiking (1:160)

Figures             Preiser/ Herpa (1:160)

The story of the XXI : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_XXI_submarine

The story f the XXXIII: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_XXIII_submarine


Oefenkano's/ Training Canoes

U boat II B Early      Revell/ ICM

Figures                      Resin Northstar, 3D printed Shapeways Panzers vs Tanks

The story of U boat II: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_II_submarine

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kano's in de Zwarte Zee/ Canoes in the black sea 

U boat  II B late        Revell/ ICM 

Figures                     3D printed Shapeways Panzers vs Tanks

Halftrack Sdkfz251   Pegasus


XXI Uboat type 21 

U boat  XXI with interior       Revell      (the interior was slightly improved, lightning was added) 

Figures                                       3D printed Shapeways Panzers vs Tanks, Preiser, Noch, North Star

Small speedboat                      Scratch build


Uboot VII type D Minenleger/ Uboat type 7 D Minelayer 

U boat  VIID       Revell 

Figures               3D printed Shapeways Panzers vs Tanks, Preiser, Noch, North Star

The story of the VIID:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_VII_submarine#Type_VIID


Uboot II B 1943/ Uboat type II B Late 

U boat  II B late       Revell/ ICM 

Figures                     North Star


Veilige haven/ Save harbor (1:350!) 

I've never tried this small scale but it has the advantage to make "bigger"dioramas . It measures 44-27 centimeter (in reality it would be 150-95 meter!). The pen (or bunker) is like a viewing box and has lightning inside so you can see what is happenning in there (and the big U-boat bunkers were really small villages on their own).  

U boats  VIIC     Revell 

Schnellboote    Bronco

Trucks, cars      L'Arsenal

Figures               North Star (for most), L'Arsenal and Eduard



Onderzeeër Typhoon klasse/ Russian Submarine Typhoon class (1:400) 

After building the 1:350 uboot bunker I got the hang of it and made a new diorama with this modern and the biggest submarine ever build the Russian Akulia (more know  "Typhoon class'). 

U boat     Revell 

Figures    L'Arsenal and Eduard

Wil je meer weten van de Duitse onderzeeërs kijk dan eens  op https://uboat.net/  of lees  de boeken met de titel "U boat in focus"

If you want to know more about U-boats I can recomment: https://uboat.net/ or read the magazines "U boat in focus"